Facial Feminization Surgery Before and After Results | Patient Case Studies

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Case Study 1

Type 3 Frontal Bone Setback | Orbital Shave | M Pattern Hairline Feminine C Shape | Cheek Enhancement | Jaw & Chin Contouring Adam Apple

A 25 year old patient with thick set eyebrow ridges and sunken looking eyes wanted to feminise her face. On CT scan examination, the frontal sinus was quite hypertrophied lending a prominence to the frontal area. So her facial feminisation involved an aggressive type 3 frontal bone setback with orbital shave.

Her M pattern hairline was advanced to make it more feminine C shaped. The cheek areas were enhanced with fat injection. The other procedures done were jaw and chin contouring and an Adam’s apple shave. The complete FFS was performed in two stages at 1 week interval as per Dr. Parag Telang’s technique.

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Case Study 2

Hairline | Cheeks Volume | Eyelids | Open Rhinoplasty | Upper Lip Lift | Jaw V-line Contouring | Chin | SMAS Facelift Necklift

In this 60 year old patient, the aim was to feminise the face and at the same time also to make the face look younger. The hairline was quite receded due to her age, the midface (cheeks) had lost volume and the eyelids were quite loose and saggy. The nose had a hump and required a open rhinoplasty approach to create a nice feminine curve.

The distance between the nose and upper lip was shortened by an upper lip lift. The jaw was shaped by a V-line contouring and chin made smaller in the transverse dimension. The face and neck had a lot of loose skin which required a SMAS facelift and necklift. She underwent her FFS by Dr Parag Telang’s two stage technique.

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Case Study 3

Type 1 Forehead Contouring | Orbital Shave | Hairline Advancement Cheek Augmentation | Upper and Lower Eyelid | Upper Lip Lift V-line Jaw Shave | Chin Contouring | Neck Lift | Breast Augmentation

This was a 58 year old patient, who herself was an avid artist. She had a very clear vision of how she wanted her face to look. She underwent a complete Facial Feminisation Surgery by Dr Parag Telang’s technique. The procedures performed were a type 1 forehead contouring, orbital shave, hairline advancement, cheek augmentation using silicone implants, upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, upper lip lift and fat injection, V-line jaw shave and chin contouring.

A lower neck lift was added to tighten the residual tissues and skin on her lower neck area. Along with this she also did her breast augmentation using 425cc anatomical ( tear drop) cohesive gel implants in the subpectoral plane.

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Case Study 4

Eyebrow | Cheek Volume | Upper Lip Lift | V-line Jaw Shave Chin Reduction | Lower Neck Lift | Jawline | Adam Apple Shave Breast Augmentation | Orchidectomy

A 22 year old patient who wanted to feminise her face. On analysis, the orbital rims were quite heavy as compared to the frontal area. The eyebrows were flat and gave a stern look to her face. The cheeks had a good volume. The nose was broad & required feminisation. The nose base to upper lip distance was more and hence a lip lift was done to give more lift & outward turn to the lip.

A V-line jaw shave and chin reduction was done to feminise the lower face. A limited lower neck lift was done to tighten tissues over the jawline. An Adam’s apple shave was done to complete the FFS. She also underwent breast augmentation using a 400cc anatomical ( tear drop) cohesive gel silicone implants in subpectoral plane along with an orchidectomy.

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